Monday, April 17, 2006

Well here we are!

In a McMansion owned by someone who runs training camps for the Detroit Pistons.
Which (I had to look it up) is a basketball team. Medium sized balls.
The higher up the socio-economic ladder one is, the smaller the balls they play with. Think golf. Golf clubs, exclusive country clubs (what's with the violent club imagery thing), holes in one, nine-irons and Lexus SUVs.
Great big beach balls? Little kids, who can't afford anything and don't own much.
Anyhow. What an articulate first post this is turning out to be! Not.
I painted a bunch of high walls, and a study on Friday and Saturday. My friend Lisa the faux painter lady did her cool swirly fuzzy painty thing in various rooms.
Here's her website.
That's Lisa and I on the ledge, then just me.


At 10:44 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

wow, makes me wish I had money. Not to play golf but just to have a nice place. The the have Pistons are a very successful Basketball team over the last few years and back when crazy Dennis Rodman played, were known as the Bad Boys.

BTW you 2 are having too much fun on the job.


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