Friday, May 05, 2006

The cool half bath


At 5:03 AM, Blogger Tabor said...

I stumbled on your blog from a comment you left on WanderingScribes blog. I have pretty much finished building my house and had them put in the colors because I knew I would be too busy to paint, but I actually enjoy it when I can. You should blog on some of the new techiques for adding depth to the walls in painting (sponge, wool, wrinkled plastic, etc). I need to do that to my house once I am moved in. That bathroom is very nice.

At 1:55 PM, Blogger Carina said...

Well thank you Tabor, now I feel badly I've been neglecting this blog!
I will do that later tonight when I have a minute, I actually have a little basic article someplace I published on a home site.
What a web huh, I've been following WS for a while. Quite a story.


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