Sunday, March 18, 2007

In order to build scaffolding you need a penis and testicles.

I have a job this week which will require putting up three tiers of rolling tower scaffolding. I used to have some, don't any more because I so very rarely need to use it. Dead easy to put together, one person can do it.
Well, the homeowner is so clearly uncomfortable with the idea that someone with ovaries instead of testicles might attempt to erect (ha!ha! She said "erect.") this thing inside her home that I am hiring someone with a penis to come help on Monday morning.
Sigh. Never mind that I am stronger than most men who don't do manual labor for a living, and never mind that I have owned and put up scaffolding on numerous occasions all by my little chickie self.
But having a penis around will help the job feng shui or some damn thing.
::rolling eyes::

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At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I have you say you're taking that in stride. I think it would make some women furious.

At 3:43 PM, Blogger Scott said...

I've got three of those exact scaffolds. Unbelievabley useful, and you're right any idiot can assemble them.

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Carina said...

Rhea - I long ago quit getting pissed off about this sort of thing. I put it in the category of "pick your battles...." :)

Scott - see, it is easy isn't it? The pieces are really light and once you've got the base assembled it's a breeze.

My womanhood isn't threatened, haha! The important thing is a: happy customer and a job well done and b: GET PAID. LOL.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

This is terrible and feeds into old stereotypes and I'm very sorry you're getting the brunt of it. For what it's worth I know full well that you could easily beat me up and I accept it.

At 5:12 PM, Blogger carina said...

LOL Ricardo. But, I wouldn't. ;)~

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

And no hitting in the face! LOL!

At 10:29 PM, Blogger BBC said...

Yes, I know women that can do that.

I'm not sure why they want to do what men do though.

Men don't do much of anything but a bunch of stupid shit.

At 1:32 AM, Blogger Carina said...

I promise Ricardo. ;)

BBC - I'm not really into gender roles and don't see things as "what men do" and "what women do." If you can and want to - do. If you can't and don't want to - don't. I've never gotten what one's gender has to do with a job.
So you would say it's weird for a man to be a nursery school teacher or a woman to be in construction?

At 9:32 AM, Blogger BBC said...

No hon, all I said was that men do a lot of stupid shit. I should know, I'm a man and I did a lot of stupid shit when I was younger. LOL

Face it, a lot of the things both genders do is not all that good for the planet.

At 11:04 AM, Blogger Karen said...


can't even type... laughin' so hard at your description.



k', i'm catchin' my breath a little... {giggle}

now, let me tryin' get serious here, how sexiest, how stuuuuuuuupid, how ignorant, how nineteenth century,

well, ya git my point.

WTF was she thinkin'!?!

and a *she* to bat; from what century, pray tell!!!

At 4:35 PM, Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

this is where I bring to the attention that never at one time does a man 'actually' use said penis to 'erect' the scaffolding..sigh*

At 4:17 AM, Blogger carina said...

BBC - we can all do dumb shit, regardless of gender. ;)

Karen - ya know, I just don't get bothered by this stuff any more! And actually it was handy having the Penis along because his truck was bigger and emptier than mine - much easier to load all the scaffolding bits and take it to the jobsite.

Jackiesue...Hahahahaha. So true.


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