Tuesday, June 13, 2006


When I was eight years old, I was swarmed by bees and stung quite badly. For years & years, I was really scared of them - even a photo of a bee gave me goosebumps. I'm not that girly about bugs and snakes and stuff at all, I'll pick up about anything that won't bite or sting. Unless it is black and yellow and has a stinger.

Anyhow, dealing with wasps is just a part of the job, painting outside. Over the years, I've become quite brave. Because I KILL KILL KILL KILL them all. Yes! There's foaming spray that shoots 25' and makes them drop to the ground wiggling their nasty little legs in throes of horrible pain and death! Then I stomp on them! I dance on their little striped bodies until they're little black and yellow smears! I cackle! I ululate, even! KILL! KILL! YEAH!

No really. I am usually a harmless, gentle, little fuzzball and move spiders and bats and won't disturb bird nests when I'm painting. I buy employees lunch on Fridays. I'm nice to clients' pets and children and still cry when I think about Bambi's mom.

My helper and I removed 18 great big shutters from a house last week. Every single one had masses of those little black & yellow fuckers nesting behind them. I went through a case of wasp spray (the foaming kind is best because it weighs their dying bodies down, so they drop instead of flying at you which isn't nice when you're on top of a 32' ladder.)
Awesome carnage. :~)


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Tabor said...

Wasps are very nasty and if you are working around them you must kill them. Bees, on the other hand, can be quite forgiving as long as you are not around their nests.

At 5:45 PM, Blogger Carina said...

Yes they are! To both. I like bees. From a distance.
I actually say a dorky little prayer thingie apologising for killing wasps; I admire their tenacity and protectiveness when protecting their babies.
But first, I enjoy killing them. haha!

At 7:06 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I had some yellow jackets invade my apartment once and the foamy wasp spray worked well. I understand your indulgence.

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Carina said...

Eww, inside your apartment? Yikes.

At 10:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

they had a nest outside and dug through. Awful.

At 8:09 AM, Blogger girl said...

Boy! And here I am complaining about one mosquito. Kill, kill, kill!

At 4:41 AM, Blogger Carina said...

Heh. So did you ever get that mosquito?

At 8:21 PM, Blogger yellowdoggranny said...

i love that stuff..i use it all the time..during the spring when it first starts to get warm and they are sluggish is when i like to really kill them suckers....when they are weak and defenseless....kill kill kill..u betcha..


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